

What is Reflexology?


Research has shown the specific techniques of reflexology to be effective and beneficial in many ways. A survey of 170 reflexology studies from 21 countries shows that reflexology is effective, impacting a variety of physical and psychological concerns.

In general terms, the benefits of reflexology have to do with the reduction of stress. Because the feet and hands help set the tension level for the rest of the body, they are an easy way to interrupt the stress signal and reset homeostasis, the body's equilibrium.

Reflexology is a complement to standard medical care. It should not be construed as medical advice. It should not be a replacement to medical help.  

Benefits of Reflexology


Reflexology has been known to-


- Relieve Stress

- Promote Relaxation

- Improve Localised Circulation

- Help Detox the Body

- Promote Self Healing

- Promote Wellbeing

- Ease Insomnia

- Promote Self-Awareness

Everyone may benefit from reflexology - women, men, children and the elderly.

Reflexology may be effective for many conditions including:

Reflexology may help relieve congestion, aid circulation, relax muscles, calm overactivity in any part of the body and stimulate underactivity. It may improve cooperation and coordination between the bodily systems. It is a gentle therapy that aims to encourage the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance.

A course of treatments is advisable.