Podiatry/ Chiropody Treatments

Podiatry is the internationally recognised name for Chiropody.

Our clinic Podiatrists Michelle and Amanda are HCPC Registered and have over 10 years experience, they have undertaken a 3 year Degree in Podiatric Medicine and can be identified with the letters BSc (Hons) PodM, and MChS after their name. They have continued their career development by attending regular accredited courses and liaising with GPs and other medical professions.

An important relationship exists between the health of our feet and our overall well-being. Discomfort experienced in the feet often affects not only our mobility, but also our quality of life

Our clinic provides a more holistic approach to footcare along with  high professional standards. 

Some examples of the types of conditions we treat are



Painful feet

Arthritic conditions

Diabetic foot problems

Planter Fasciitis

Nail care


Cracked Heels  

Treatment of these conditions may include

Podiatry techniques including scalpel work for corns and callous

Corn removal techniques

Verruca removal including Laser therapy 

Doppler testing  (part of the diabetic assessment)

Neurotip testing (part of the diabetic assessment)

Orthotics / inserts                                                              

Laser therapy                                    

Padding and strapping                  

Myofascial massage therapy   



Footwear advice     

Looking after your feet ( click for general footcare)

We are specialists in plantar fasciitis treatments using a variety of modalities depending on your condition.

Please feel free to contact us for any advice or information , we will always be happy to help 01207 582000

 A new client appointment will involve taking a full medical history to discuss your podiatry problem and treatment options, your first appointment will last approximate 45 minutes 

A basic Podiatry clinic appointment will include toe nail cutting , callous/corn removal and application of footcream, all done in our relaxing, modern clinic. 

After an initial consultation and assessment we can offer a simple toe nail cutting service if you are suitable.